środa, 3 września 2014


"This Is Just To Say" 
I have eaten
the plums
that were in
the icebox

and which
you were probably
for breakfast

Forgive me
they were delicious
so sweet
and so cold

by William Carlos Williams (1883-1963)
- American poet
 Matthew Macfadyen reads the poem 'This is just to say'  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0d5bLf0gq2Q

Tłumaczenie i analizę wiersza (po polsku) znajdziecie tutaj http://podteksty.amu.edu.pl/podteksty/?action=dynamic&nr=8&dzial=4&id=170

4 komentarze:

  1. I have red
    this poem
    right there.

    But wordering
    why it's written
    in monospace.

    How can I
    use this font
    in the comment.

    This rythme
    doesn't even
    makes sense.

    1. I copied this poem
      but my laptop changed it
      into monospace
      without my knowledge

      Thank you
      for your comment.
      I hope it is OK now.

    2. I've got the rythme now
      Of the poem in OP

      But my last verse
      Was only just for me

      Poem isn't broken now
      Accident made by me

      I'd thank you in reverse
      PO ,ylper rof sknahT (Thanks for reply, OP)

    3. Your rhyme makes sense
      and I like it very much

      I've eaten my plums
      it's late so thgin dooG.
