wtorek, 31 maja 2016

Kiss & ride.

Kiss and Ride czyli " pocałuj i jedź" to strefy postojowe, w których można na chwilę zatrzymać samochód, wysadzić pasażera i odjechać.


poniedziałek, 30 maja 2016

Wild Strawberries

Strawberries that in gardens grow
   Are plump and juicy fine,
But sweeter far as wise men know
   Spring from the woodland vine.

No need for bowl or silver spoon,
   Sugar or spice or cream,
Has the wild berry plucked in June
   Beside the trickling stream. ( ....) by Robert Graves (1895 - 1985)

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sobota, 28 maja 2016

What should be deleted from your Facebook to stay safe online.

Ciekawy artykuł w The Sun na temat bezpieczeństwa użytkowników portali społecznościowych.
Lista 8 rzeczy, które nie powinny się znaleźć na naszych profilach.
These 8 things you need to delete from your Facebook to stay safe online and protect your family:
1.  Your birthday.
2.  Where your children or young family members go to school.
3.  Photos of your children or young family members.
4.  Location Services.

Read more: 

piątek, 27 maja 2016

Golden Gate Bridge

27 maja 1937 roku otwarto słynny Golden Gate Bridge - wiszący most nad zatoką Golden Gate w San Francisco. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f76S330wipg
 Budowa trwała 4 lata, a ogromne koszty tej inwestycji zwróciły się w roku 1971.
Most zwany jest także mostem samobójców.
Crossing the strait of the Golden Gate from San Francisco to the Marin headlands for 1.7 miles is the world-renowned Golden Gate Bridge, easily identified by its International Orange color. Opened in 1937, the bridge was built at a cost of $35 million in principal and $39 million in interest and 11 workers’ lives. The single-suspension span is anchored by twin towers that reach skyward 746 feet, and was once taller than any building in San Francisco. To support the suspended roadway, two cables, each more than 7,000 feet in length and both containing 80,000 miles of wire stretch over the top of the towers and are rooted in concrete anchorages on shore. More than 10 years in planning due to formidable opposition, but only four years in actual construction, the Golden Gate Bridge brought the communities of San Francisco and Marin counties closer together.
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wtorek, 24 maja 2016

Come And Get It (Suzuki Baleno)

Już dawno żadna reklama nie przypadła mi do gustu. Wreszcie trafiłam na spot reklamowy Suzuki Baleno.

W tle piosenka COME AND GET IT

I have been crazy
But that’s just alright, alright
I have been lonely
But that’s just alright, alright

My feelings I don’t
hide them, hide them, hide them
Inside they keep on
Burning, burning, burning
Your feelings you shouldn’t
Hide them, Hide them, hide them
From me..
Nah na na nooo ‘right

Come and get it if you really want it
Come and get it if you really need it

Wykonawcą utworu jest Jan Nowak ;)  czyli John Newman - młody(urodzony w 1990) brytyjski piosenkarz i twórca piosenek. Karierę rozpocząl w 14 roku życia. Gra na gitarze i instrumentach klawiszowych. Przebój Come And Get It pochodzi z jego drugiego albumu "Revolve".

poniedziałek, 23 maja 2016

How to peel the kiwi fruit

Prosta instrukcja jak obrać kwi przy pomocy łyżeczki.

First, you need to take a fruit knife cut a small amount off the ends of  the kiwi fruit so the ends are flat. 
Next, make a small cut along the length of the kiwi fruit. Not too deep, just enough to cut through the skin.  Next, grab your trusty spoon. As the video shows, all you need to do is take the pointed edge of your spoon and work it under the skin where you have made a small slit.
Now use the spoon to lift the skin from from the flesh, working it around so it peels off the outer layer. 
You can do it all in one go, or switch halfway and then use the spoon to work off the skin in the opposite direction. 
Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/femail/food/article-3603825/Video-shows-easier-way-peel-kiwi-fruit-three-steps-using-spoon.html#ixzz49ULbOHHd 

sobota, 21 maja 2016

Daylight Saving Time.

21 maja 1916 roku Wielka Brytania po raz pierwszy wprowadziła czas letni, czyli DST - Daylight Saving Time.
Following Germany's lead, Britain passed an act on May 17, 1916, and Willett's scheme of adding 80 minutes, in four separate movements was put in operation on the following Sunday, May 21, 1916. There was a storm of opposition, confusion, and prejudice. The Royal Meteorological Society insisted that Greenwich time would still be used to measure tides. The parks belonging to the Office of Works and the London County Council decided to close at dusk, which meant that they would be open an extra hour in the evening. Kew Gardens, on the other hand, ignored the daylight saving scheme and decided to close by the clock.
Read more about the history of DST http://www.acurite.com/learn/clock-technology/daylight-saving-time-history-facts

poniedziałek, 16 maja 2016

The nicest people in the world.

Najsympatyczniejszymi i najgrzeczniejszymi ludźmi na świecie są Kanadyjczycy. Tak przynajmniej można przeczytać w artykule zamieszczonym na stronie BBC.

We experience Canadian nice as soon as we reach customs. The US border guards are gruff and all business. The Canadians, by contrast, are unfailingly polite, even as they grill us about the number of wine bottles we’re bringing into the country. One year, we had failed to notice that our 9-year-old daughter’s passport had expired. They, nicely, let us enter anyway. The niceness continues for our entire trip, as we encounter nice waiters, nice hotel clerks, nice strangers.Canadian niceness is pure, and untainted by the passive-aggressive undertones found in American niceness (have a good day, or else!). It’s also abundant. Canada is to niceness as Saudi Arabia is to oil. It’s awash in the stuff, and it’s about time, I say, the rest of the world imported some. ....
Read more: http://www.bbc.com/travel/story/20150311-can-canada-teach-the-rest-of-us-to-be-nicer

piątek, 13 maja 2016

Polish train driver.

Telewizja polska pokazała na wszystkich kanałach zderzenie pociągu z ciężarówką i bohaterskiego maszynistę, który dzięki przytomności umysłu zdołał ostrzec pasażerów.
 O wypadku piszą też media brytyjskie:

Terrifying moment Polish train driver runs through carriages warning passengers they are about to smash into a lorry – before bracing for the collision 

  • The driver dashes down the aisles shouting at the passengers, who brace 
  • The lorry can be seen racing in to view before the train smashes into it
  • No one was badly injured, but broken glass ends up piled in the carriages 

A train driver managed to save carriages full of people from being badly injured after he spotted a lorry on the tracks ahead, and risked his life to warn his passengers.
Incredible footage captures the moment he sped down the aisle warning passengers of the impending crash.
It also shows the point of impact, as the train smashes into the lorry which was straddling the tracks in Poland. 

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-3588447/Terrifying-moment-Polish-train-driver-runs-carriages-warning-passengers-smash-lorry-bracing-collision.html#ixzz48XecStfx 

wtorek, 10 maja 2016

Eurovision Song Contest 2016.

More information about Michał Szpak https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Micha%C5%82_Szpak

Sunburn victims.

Na razie pogoda zbytnio nas nie rozpieszcza, ale ma sie to wkrótce zmienić i termometr może pokazać 27 stopni. 
Zanim wystawimy nasze blade ciała na słońce dobrze zapoznać się z fotkami ofiar pierwszego gorącego weekendu w Wielkiej Brytanii. Ku przestrodze...

Only mad dogs and Englishmen go out in the midday sun...and judging by the mountain of sunburnt images being posted on social media after Sunday's heatwave, the old adage still clearly rings true.
With temperatures across parts of the UK soaring to around 27 degrees, plenty of pasty Brits were caught short without sunscreen - and now have the red marks to prove it. 
Millions of sun-starved revellers were determined to make the most of the weekend highs...but by Monday afternoon, war wounds were doing the rounds on Facebook and Twitter.

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/femail/article-3581029/After-fake-tans-sunburns-Britons-forget-slap-SPF-bake-heat-sharing-images-RED-RAW-skin-online.html#ixzz48Ga4Cbtn 

niedziela, 8 maja 2016

sobota, 7 maja 2016

Gary Cooper (1901- 1961).

125 lat temu urodził się amerykański aktor Gary Cooper. Był uzdolniony plastycznie i zamierzał zarabiać na zycie jako karykaturzysta. Do filmu trafił przez przypadek w 1925 roku i początkowo wystepował w filmach niemych. W trakcie trwającej  35 lat kariery aktorskiej zagrał w ponad 100 filmach.

Dwukrotnie otrzymał nagrodę Oscara. Po raz pierwszy w 1941 za rolę w filmie "Sierżant York " (Sergeant York) . Największy sukces przyniosła mu rola szeryfa, który samotnie broni mieszkańców miasteczka przed grupą bandytów w słynnym westernie " W samo południe" (High Noon), za którą został w 1953 roku nagrodzony Oscarem i Złotym Globem.

piątek, 6 maja 2016

The Penny Black.

6 maja 1840 roku poczta brytyjska wprowadziła do użytku pierwszy na świecie znaczek pocztowy.
Nazwano go Penny Black czyli czarna jednopensówka, a na znaczku widniał portret młodej królowej Wiktorii.
The story of the Penny Black, the world's first-ever adhesive postage stamp, begins with a man named Rowland Hill who triggered a period of vast postal reform.
Hill, an English teacher, inventor and social reformer, calculated that it made more financial sense to price deliveries by weight.
Until then, the cost of delivery of a letter was paid by the recipient - and the price was dependent on the number of miles travelled and the size of the letter.
Read more:

czwartek, 5 maja 2016



Green are the streets
The asfalt is glistening
When the dust of the day
Will be washed away

The windows are closed
And the rain is dripping
From sill to sill
And down to the ground

When the May rain comes...

Very young are the leaves
of the trees and the shrubs
And tiny flowers grow
In the roadside ditch...

wtorek, 3 maja 2016

English bluebells

Początek maja to czas, gdy na południowym wschodzie Anglii podziwiać można całe polany błękitnych kwiatów.

The bluebell is probably one of Britain’s best known wildflowers. No-one can fail to marvel at the beautiful sight of a spring woodland carpeted in blue. We enjoy their wild beauty and their sweet scent, as well as the hum of emerging insects which rely on them as a source of food. 
Here in East Anglia these seasonal wonders are not as common as elsewhere, because there simply aren’t as many suitable areas of woodland or heathland for bluebells to thrive. These bulbs prefer to be in shade during the summer and in areas where it is not too wet, so the wide open spaces and boggy Fens in this region are not suitable. That said, in the special woodland spots where we do find them, they are just as spectacular as anywhere else.http://www.wildlifebcn.org/events/bluebell-watch/bluebell-fact

Bluebells in London and the South East

poniedziałek, 2 maja 2016

Avocado roses.

Najnowsza kulinarna moda - róże z avocado. Wydaje się, że trudno je zrobić, ale podobno całkiem łatwo..
Just when you thought you'd seen every avo trend there is, another one comes along and sweeps Instagram before dominating every food blog from one end of the world to another.
Introducing the avocado rose. 
Instagram boasts more than one thousand posts of the delicate green beauties, and they're popping up on all sorts of meals, whether you're eating a piece of toast, a noodle-based dish or an omelette.
And while the avocado rose might look like a work of art, the good news is that they're easier to make than you think.
Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/femail/article-3569028/Avocado-roses-new-slightly-confusing-way-slice-avo-s-taking-Instagram-storm.html#ixzz47WEIL14b

niedziela, 1 maja 2016


" Hello"  czyli co? - Dzień dobry, cześć, słucham, halo, witam...  "Hello"w obecnie używanej pisowni pojawiło się po raz pierwszy w druku około roku 1833.
Użycie słowa "Hello" jako pozdrowienia w rozmowach telefonicznych spopularyzował Thomas Edison. Wynalazca telefonu Alexander Graham Bell proponował marynarskie "Ahoy", które się nie przyjęło.

Do posłuchania: "Hello' w piosenkach: