wtorek, 26 czerwca 2018

The coldest place on Earth

Najzimniejsze miejsce na ziemi okazało się być zimniejsze niż przypuszczano.
Temperatura wynosi tam niemal minus 100 stopni Celsjusza. Brrrrrr....
The coldest place on Earth is even colder than thought, a new study has found. 
Researchers discovered tiny valleys near the top of Antarctica's ice sheet reach temperatures of nearly minus 100 degrees Celsius (minus 148 degrees Fahrenheit) in the winter.
The results could change scientists' understanding of just how low temperatures can get at Earth's surface, according to the researchers. Scientists used satellite data between 2004 and 2016 to come up with the minus 144 degrees Fahrenheit figure, as the eastern plateau of Antarctica is a barren, snowy region where surface-based weather instruments aren't available.

poniedziałek, 18 czerwca 2018

'Live It Up'

Piosenki towarzyszące imprezom sportowym są zazwyczaj rytmiczne, a w treści ubogie. Tak też jest z oficjalnym hymnem Mistrzostw Świata w Piłce Nożnej 2018. Po serii oh oh oh słyszymy:
One life, live it up, 'cause we got one life
One life, live it up, 'cause we got one life
One life, live it up, 'cause you don't get it twice
One life, live it up, 'cause you don't get it twice
Strength in numbers, is a force we can mix
We raise our flags and put our pride on our back
We feelin' like a champion when we shine our light
We got the power, make the nation correct.
LIVE IT UP - używać życia, szaleć

wtorek, 12 czerwca 2018

The cheapest all inclusive European holidays.

Wakacje za pasem. W tym roku najtańsze urlopy mogą spędzić Brytyjczycy w  Hiszpanii w Turcji na Malcie.
The cheapest all-inclusive holidays for Brits this summer have been revealed - and it's the Costa Brava that ranks No1.
According to research by TravelSupermarket, which has seen a 13.5 per cent increase in all-inclusive bookings, it's possible to snag a seven-night stay there for just £323 per person.
Bank managers will also be pleased if you book a similar type of holiday to Turkey, Malta or Majorca. Here TravelSupermarket's Emma Coulthhurst ranks the top seven places for all-in deals.

środa, 6 czerwca 2018

12 foods you can eat as much as you want.

Pełny tytuł artykułu w brytyjskim  The Mirror  brzmi "12 foods you can eat as much as you want - and not gain weight" . Ciekawe co to za produkty, którymi można bezkarnie się obżerać i nie utyć. I co my tu mamy na liście: ogórki, brokuły, ryby, pomidory, grzyby.......i inne. Resztę doczytajcie sobie sami.

All foods have calories, even the healthy stuff like fruit. This is because fruit and vegetables are packed with natural sugars which, although much better for you than refined sugar, still contain calories. Ever feel like you can't win?Thankfully, there are foods out there that are low on calories and are still delicious. This is because they are either high in protein like cottage cheese and fish, or are fruits that are mainly composed of water. It's nice to know that there is food out there that doesn't contribute to the ever expanding waistline! 

sobota, 2 czerwca 2018

" The rumours of my death..."

2 czerwca 1897 amerykański pisarz Mark Twain zareagował na plotkę o własnej śmierci drukując  na łamach New York Journal sprostowanie o treści: "Pogłoski o mojej śmierci są mocno przesadzone", które wkrótce stało się popularnym powiedzeniem.
Jak to brzmiało w oryginale? Jest kilka wersji:

  • The rumours of my death have been greatly exaggerated.
  • The reports of my death are greatly exaggerated.
  • The reports of my death have been greatly exaggerated.

Mark Twain was in London in 1897 as part of a speaking tour around the world. He had considerable debt in the US and hoped to earn enough money to pay it off.
While he was in London, a rumor started that he was seriously ill. This was followed by a rumor that he was dead.  The story goes that an American newspaper printed Twain's obituary. Supposedly after that, when asked about all this by a reporter, Twain said:
The reports of my death are greatly exaggerated.
RUMOUR ( w wersji amerykańskiej RUMOR) - plotka, pogłoska