Mam nadzieję, że Donald Tusk jest równie utalentowany jak pani Solejukowa z serialu "Ranczo" i już w grudniu przemówi do narodów Europy płynnym angielskim.
Oto co o sukcesie Donalda Tuska piszą światowe media:
- EU leaders have appointed Italy's Federica Mogherini as EU foreign policy chief and Poland's Donald Tusk as European Council president.(...) Mr Tusk, Poland's centre-right prime minister, has been Polish leader since 2007. He will chair EU summits.
- European leaders have named the Polish prime minister, Donald Tusk, as the next EU president and Italian foreign minister Federica Mogherini to head its diplomatic service, as the bloc faces a series of challenges topped by Ukraine.
- The appointment of Tusk as president of the European Council marked a major advance in influence for the eastern states who joined the bloc this century and who share non-member Ukraine's concerns about Russian president Vladimir Putin's ambitions.
- Speaking this evening in Brussels, Mr Tusk, said that he would bring an “energy” to the post, adding that Poland was a country that “believes in a united Europe. ”
- The European Union should be brave but reasonable in its actions on the Ukraine crisis, Polish Prime Minister Donald Tusk, the newly appointed president of the European Council, said in Brussels on Saturday.
Tusk, who speaks only halting English and no French, is the first eastern European to hold such a senior post in the EU ......
Czy Donaldowi Tuskowi uda się w ciągu kilu miesięcy nadrobić braki i przełamać psychiczną barierę przed publicznym wypowiadaniem się w tym języku? Zobaczymy.
Good luck Mr Tusk!