środa, 31 grudnia 2014

Controversial contact lenses

Mimo ostrzeżeń okulistów rośnie popularność soczewek kontaktowych, które upodabniają ich użytkownika do bohatera japońskich kreskówek. Noszenie takich ozdobnych soczewek może
doprowadzić do poważnych schorzeń, a nawet do ślepoty.
Ale co tam, zwolenników nie brakuje...
Circle lenses, a type of colored contacts imported from Asia that make the wearer look as though they have enlarged eyes, are set to be one of the New Year’s biggest beauty trends, having first risen to popularity four years ago.
However, doctors have warned that the cosmetic lenses, which cover up the whites of the eyes in order to make the irises appear larger, can cause serious infection and even blindness. 
In 2010, F.D.A. spokeswoman Karen Riley told the Bew York Times that consumers 'risk significant eye injuries — even blindness' when they buy lenses without a valid prescription or assistance from an eyecare professional. But it seems that the health risks involved with wearing the quirky contact lenses haven't stopped them from making a return to popularity

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/femail/article-2891478/Controversial-contact-lenses-enlarged-anime-eyes-set-one-2015-s-biggest-beauty-trends.html#ixzz3NSl1KSiA

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