czwartek, 3 maja 2018

The Daily Mile

Otyłość wśród dzieci staje się z roku na rok coraz poważniejszym problemem . W walce z tym zjawiskiem ma pomóc program The Daily Mile wprowadzany w szkołach podstawowych.

The Daily Mile to codziennie 15 minut biegania na podwórku szkolnym. Nie ma rywalizacji, każdy biegnie w swoim tempie. Nie ma potrzeby przebierania się w sportowe stroje - można biegać nawet w mundurku szkolnym. Dobrze by było pomyśleć o wprowadzeniu programu w naszych szkołach.
The Daily Mile is a social activity, where in the children run or jog – at their own pace – in the fresh air with friends. Children can occasionally walk to catch their breath, if necessary, but should aim to run or jog for the full 15 minutes.Research has shown that The Daily Mile can even increase attainment in primary school, and parents have reported an increased interest in health and wellbeing from their children after they have started The Daily Mile.We want every child to have the opportunity to do a Daily Mile at primary school, and are now working to build a Daily Mile community with schools, local councils, sports bodies and other supporters in the UK and beyond.  Read more:

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