środa, 16 maja 2018

David Edward Hughes (1831-1900)

16 maja 1831 roku urodził się wynalazca David Edward Hughes. Zawdzięczamy mu wynalezienie mikrofonu i telgrafu. 
David Hughes made his fortune by inventing the Type Printing Telegraph and the first microphone. His trademarks were simple components and clear thinking.
Hughes' first invention was the Type Printing Telegraph, which was soon used everywhere by the Western Union Telegraph Company, USA. Hughes became famous throughout Europe. Fortune made, he went back to London to live a quiet life.However, it wasn't long before his inventive streak struck again, this time to invent the microphone. He showed the new device to an audience of distinguished scifiles in London. David could have made a huge fortune if he'd patented the device, because he had a clear vision of its potential. But he chose, instead, to give it to the new world of telecommunications.
His microphone and other inventions are kept at the Science Museum in London. When he died, he left £400,000 (a huge sum in those days) to five hospitals in London and a bequest to the Royal Society.
Read more:http://www.bbc.co.uk/wales/scifiles/interviewsub/flashbackhughes.shtml

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