wtorek, 26 czerwca 2018

The coldest place on Earth

Najzimniejsze miejsce na ziemi okazało się być zimniejsze niż przypuszczano.
Temperatura wynosi tam niemal minus 100 stopni Celsjusza. Brrrrrr....
The coldest place on Earth is even colder than thought, a new study has found. 
Researchers discovered tiny valleys near the top of Antarctica's ice sheet reach temperatures of nearly minus 100 degrees Celsius (minus 148 degrees Fahrenheit) in the winter.
The results could change scientists' understanding of just how low temperatures can get at Earth's surface, according to the researchers. Scientists used satellite data between 2004 and 2016 to come up with the minus 144 degrees Fahrenheit figure, as the eastern plateau of Antarctica is a barren, snowy region where surface-based weather instruments aren't available.

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