środa, 6 czerwca 2018

12 foods you can eat as much as you want.

Pełny tytuł artykułu w brytyjskim  The Mirror  brzmi "12 foods you can eat as much as you want - and not gain weight" . Ciekawe co to za produkty, którymi można bezkarnie się obżerać i nie utyć. I co my tu mamy na liście: ogórki, brokuły, ryby, pomidory, grzyby.......i inne. Resztę doczytajcie sobie sami.

All foods have calories, even the healthy stuff like fruit. This is because fruit and vegetables are packed with natural sugars which, although much better for you than refined sugar, still contain calories. Ever feel like you can't win?Thankfully, there are foods out there that are low on calories and are still delicious. This is because they are either high in protein like cottage cheese and fish, or are fruits that are mainly composed of water. It's nice to know that there is food out there that doesn't contribute to the ever expanding waistline! 

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