sobota, 2 maja 2015

"Hey Joe"- Guitar Guinness World Record

Wczoraj po raz trzynasty we Wrocławiu podjęto próbę pobicia rekordu Guinnessa.
Traditionally on the 1st of May in Wrocław fans of guitar music will gather together to play "Hey Joe" by Jimi Hendrix. This year it will be already the 13th edition of Guitar Guinness World Record as part of the Thanks Jimi Festival. The event is becoming a cult event, and every year people from across Poland and the rest of Europe gather in Wrocław, attempting to beat the Guinness World Record in the collaborative guitar rendition of "Hey Joe". This year, participants will attempt to beat their own record from 2014, when the song resounded, while being played through 7344 guitars. Will they be able to beat the record this time?
Read more:
 Ballada "Hey Joe" powstała w latach 60-tych ubiegłego wieku. Spośród dziesiątek wykonań i interpretacji najpopularniejsza jest wersja  w wykonaniu Jimi Hendrix'a (1942-1970). Treść utworu opowiada o mężczyźnie, który zastrzelił niewierną żonę.

Hey Joe, where you goin' with that gun in your hand 

Hey Joe, I said where you goin' with that gun in your hand 
I'm goin' down to shoot my ol' lady 
You know I caught her messin' 'round with another man 
I'm goin' down to shoot my ol' lady 
You know I caught her messin' 'round with another man 
And that ain't too cool (...)

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