Kto to wymyślił i po co?
Na Wyspach zmianie czasu na letni towarzyszyć będzie w tym roku zimowa pogoda..
Don't forget, the clocks go forward one hour tonight as British Summer Time begins... with rain showers and snow forecast
- Rain, wind and even snow will mark the start of British Summer time
- The change results in one hour's less sleep tomorrow morning
- Most computers and smartphones automatically update their time settings
- Some parts of the country could be battered by 55mph winds
Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-3016074/Don-t-forget-clocks-forward-one-hour-tonight-British-Summer-Time-begins-rain-showers-snow-forecast.html#ixzz3VhiKfgEW
U nas też .....niby dzień dłuższy, ale co to za dzień? Zimowy, jesienny? U nas wiatr, deszcz i zimno!