środa, 18 marca 2015

How to keep your eyes healthy.

Eksperci ostrzegają przed "epidemią" krótkowzroczności wśród dzieci i młodzieży. Wszystkiemu winne gapienie się w ekran i mało ruchu. Dzieci poniżej szóstego roku życia powinny bawić się na dworze minimum 10 godzin tygodniowo. Co jeszcze należy robić aby uniknąć problemów ze wzrokiem? 

Eye therapist Handan Otay offers some tips on how to keep your eyes healthy. 
  • Look into the distance
'Gazing off into distances further than six metres away relaxes the eyes
  • Get outdoors
'Kids need to get outdoors so they're relaxing their eyes and not concentrating on close activities all the time. 
'It is recommended that they wear hats and sunglasses to prevent damage from UV radiation while still getting the benefit of sunlight.'
  • Healthy eating
'A diet rich in betacarotene, found in carrots, omega-3, found in fish, and leafy green vegetables, which contain antioxidants, can help prevent eye problems
  • Be eye aware
'Children with vision impairment may rub their eyes more often or have difficulty seeing things at night. 
'They may also have hand-eye coordination issues and hold things closer to their faces. If any of these behaviours are consistent over time, seek assessment

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/health/article-3000500/Short-sightedness-epidemic-children-don-t-spend-time-outdoors-leading-experts-warn.html#ixzz3Ul2vEgb6

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