sobota, 12 września 2015

The Queen's style.

W ciągu 63 lat panowania Królowa Elżbieta II nosiła stroje we wszystkich kolorach, co podsumowuje Daily Mail.

She is Britain’s ultimate fashion icon — utterly majestic from the crown of her hat to the tips of her patent shoes.
In the 63 years and 219 days the Queen has reigned, she hasn’t put a foot wrong when it comes to her wardrobe, which is impressive, considering she changes outfits up to five times a day.
Some have claimed the Queen doesn’t care about fashion. But a closer look reveals the opposite. As Angela Kelly, her dresser for 21 years, says: ‘The Queen loves clothes and is a real expert on fabrics. It’s not been me teaching the Queen — it’s the other way round.’ In her youth, Her Majesty often wore eye-catching designs, from turbans and opulent furs to short-sleeved dresses cinched at the waist.
You will spot not a hair out of place, a wrinkle in the fabric of her outfit; no dropped hemlines, visible hat pins or scuffs on her heels.
What you will see is a kaleidoscope of colour. At 5ft 4in, she needs to wear bright hues to stand out. As she once said: ‘If I wore beige, nobody would know who I am.’ We bring you the ultimate guide to our ‘reign-bow’ Queen…

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