środa, 2 września 2015

Snow in September!

Dopiero co w Polsce ustąpiły tropikalne upały, a tymczasem w Wielkiej Brytanii powiało chłodem i spadł śnieg.
Just when you thought the weather couldn’t get any worse, Britain was hit by freak snow last night as the miserable conditions continued.
Traffic ground to a halt on some roads as a freak blizzard swept through the West Midlands at about 7.30pm yesterday.
Flash floods ran down the streets of Birmingham as residents had to stay indoors, with one joking: ‘Looks like Christmas has come early’.
Meanwhile huge tides triggered by the rare alignment of the sun, moon and earth threatened to cause further flooding across parts of Britain.
The Environment Agency and Natural Resources Wales issued 10 flood warnings and 44 flood alerts overnight, mainly for coastal areas.

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-3218704/Supertides-hit-Britain-10-flood-warnings-announced-rain-way-tomorrow-autumn-chill-begins-bite.html#ixzz3kbtLQZ8q

2 komentarze:

  1. Ze śnieżnym dramatem zawsze mi się kojarzą hasła z amerykańskich tablic i wyświetlaczy, typu "Is that snow?! We're all gonna die!" albo z zaśnieżonej tablicy przed kościołem "Whoever is praying for snow, please stop!". Brytyjczycy w sumie powinni być bardziej przyzwyczajenie do śnieżnej apokalipsy ;)
