czwartek, 2 lipca 2015

Votes for women!

2 lipca 1928 roku kobiety w Wielkiej Brytanii, ktore ukończyły 21 rok życia otrzymały czynne i bierne prawo wyborcze.
Before 1918 no women were allowed to vote in parliamentary elections. In the early 20th century there were two main groups active in the campaign for women's suffrage, a term used to describe the right to vote.
These two groups were the 'suffragists' who campaigned using peaceful methods such as lobbying, and the 'suffragettes' who were determined to win the right to vote for women by any means. Their militant campaigning sometimes included unlawful and violent acts which attracted much publicity.
From peaceful campaigning to militant tactics, the fight for women's voting rights lasted many years. Find out how their goals were achieved, with full equality with men being won in 1928
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A u nas kobiety mogły już głosować w roku 1918.

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