sobota, 20 stycznia 2018

World's longest underwater cave.

Najdłuższą podwodną jaskinię świata odkryto w Meksyku. Ma 347 kilometrów długości, lub jak kto woli 216 mil.

World's longest underwater cave discovered in Mexico: Divers reveal that two areas previously thought to be separate actually form one 216-mile-long connected maze of caverns

  •  The 216-mile long maze of caverns was discovered off the eastern coast of Mexico in the Yucatan Peninsula 
  • It had previously been thought that two large caves were separate and not connected together in any way 
  • But divers and scientists working in the region have now discovered that the two caverns are one large cave
  • It is believed that the discovery could help shed light on the ancient Maya civilisation who lived in the area

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