piątek, 14 kwietnia 2017

The world's most tourist-friendly countries.

Na liście przyjaznych turystom krajów Polska została sklasyfikowana na 46 miejscu. Jest postęp, bo dwa lata temu byliśmy na 47.
 A kto w czołówce? Na pierwszym miejscu Hiszpania, a dalej Francja, Niemcy , Japonia...
Spain has been crowned the world’s most tourist-friendly country in a prestigious biennial report thanks to its cultural and natural offerings, along with its top tourism infrastructure.
Despite the terrorist atrocities that have blighted France in recent years, it defeated its European rivals to take second place, buoyed by its cultural strengths.
Germany took third place, Japan soared into fourth, from ninth in 2015, while the UK retained its fifth place position.

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/travel/travel_news/article-4404764/Spain-named-tourist-friendly-country-world.html#ixzz4eEe7xADK 

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