środa, 26 kwietnia 2017

Hands-free toilet seat.

Nareszcie wynalazek, który umożliwi bardziej higieniczne korzystanie z toalety. Wystarczy wcisnąć kolanem przycisk, a deska klozetowa podniesie się lub opadnie.

An ingenious hands-free toilet seat could mean you never have to put down a dirty toilet lid again.
The 'Seatswing' allows men and women to press a button with their knee to both lift the seat and drop it again. 
The inventors say this method is much more hygienic and it could end the timeless argument between couples about putting the seat down. 
Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/sciencetech/article-4446764/Hands-free-toilet-seat-controlled-using-BUTTON.html#ixzz4fMT8gRMS 

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