niedziela, 21 sierpnia 2016

Best countries to live in Europe.

Najlepiej mieszkać w Skandynawii, ale Polska nie wypadła wcale tak źle. Ponoć jest u nas lepiej niż we Włoszech i prawie tak dobrze jak w Hiszpanii, ale gorzej niż w Czechach.
Spórzcie na mapę.
Norway is the best place to live in Europe, according to a study on the general 'well-being' of its nation.
Politics blogger Jakub Marian used data from The Boston Consulting Group (BCG) - which came up with the scores based on 44 different indicators including wealth, health and education - to compile the map.
Scores tend to be higher the more north you go and lowest in the southeastern regions; with Macedonia taking the bottom spot and the UK beating the likes of France, Spain and Italy.

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