poniedziałek, 16 maja 2016

The nicest people in the world.

Najsympatyczniejszymi i najgrzeczniejszymi ludźmi na świecie są Kanadyjczycy. Tak przynajmniej można przeczytać w artykule zamieszczonym na stronie BBC.

We experience Canadian nice as soon as we reach customs. The US border guards are gruff and all business. The Canadians, by contrast, are unfailingly polite, even as they grill us about the number of wine bottles we’re bringing into the country. One year, we had failed to notice that our 9-year-old daughter’s passport had expired. They, nicely, let us enter anyway. The niceness continues for our entire trip, as we encounter nice waiters, nice hotel clerks, nice strangers.Canadian niceness is pure, and untainted by the passive-aggressive undertones found in American niceness (have a good day, or else!). It’s also abundant. Canada is to niceness as Saudi Arabia is to oil. It’s awash in the stuff, and it’s about time, I say, the rest of the world imported some. ....
Read more: http://www.bbc.com/travel/story/20150311-can-canada-teach-the-rest-of-us-to-be-nicer

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