wtorek, 10 maja 2016

Sunburn victims.

Na razie pogoda zbytnio nas nie rozpieszcza, ale ma sie to wkrótce zmienić i termometr może pokazać 27 stopni. 
Zanim wystawimy nasze blade ciała na słońce dobrze zapoznać się z fotkami ofiar pierwszego gorącego weekendu w Wielkiej Brytanii. Ku przestrodze...

Only mad dogs and Englishmen go out in the midday sun...and judging by the mountain of sunburnt images being posted on social media after Sunday's heatwave, the old adage still clearly rings true.
With temperatures across parts of the UK soaring to around 27 degrees, plenty of pasty Brits were caught short without sunscreen - and now have the red marks to prove it. 
Millions of sun-starved revellers were determined to make the most of the weekend highs...but by Monday afternoon, war wounds were doing the rounds on Facebook and Twitter.

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/femail/article-3581029/After-fake-tans-sunburns-Britons-forget-slap-SPF-bake-heat-sharing-images-RED-RAW-skin-online.html#ixzz48Ga4Cbtn 

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