piątek, 23 stycznia 2015

Is GUM better than flossing?

Czy guma do żucia może zastąpić nić dentystyczną?  Żucie gumy przez 10 minut usuwa z jamy ustnej miliony bakterii. Jednak żucie gumy dłużej niż 10 minut uwalnia bakterie z powrotem do jamy ustnej.
Is GUM better than flossing? 10 minutes of chewing can remove 100 MILLION bacteria from your mouth, study claims.
  • Researchers at the University of Groningen in the Netherlands studied the effectiveness of chewing gum
  • They found in 10 minutes it removed 100 million bacteria from the mouth
  • But if chewed for a long time it could release bacteria back into the gums
  • It can be as effective as flossing, they say - although each targets different areas of the mouth
  • They hope their research could be used to make specialist chewing gum to absorb specific disease-related bacteria.

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/sciencetech/article-2923385/Is-GUM-better-flossing-10-minutes-chewing-remove-100-MILLION-bacteria-mouth-study-claims.html#ixzz3Pf6RqWJt

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