czwartek, 5 kwietnia 2018

Vacations from FB?

Chcielibyście odpocząć od facebooka ? Głupie pytanie !  Jeśli jednak się zdecydujecie na 5- dniowy urlop, będą z tego same pożytki dla zdrowia ( tak twierdzi Daily Mail).... No, nie wiem.....

Taking a five-day break from Facebook reduces people's stress levels, new research suggests.
Abstaining from the social-media site lowers the amount of the stress-hormone cortisol people produce, a study found.
Yet, the benefits may not be clear cut, with people reporting a reduced sense of wellbeing after not visiting the website for less than a week, with many being happy to check in again, the research adds.
Researchers believe quitting Facebook enables people to escape an overload of information but also cuts them off socially.  
They wrote: 'Our results suggest that the typical Facebook user may occasionally find the large amount of social information available taxing and Facebook vacations could ameliorate this stress - at least in the short term.' 
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