piątek, 5 maja 2017

The 12 things you should NEVER let your dog eat.

 Coś dla właścicieli psów - Daily Mail zamieszcza artykuł, z którego dowiemy się jakich produktów nie powinniśmy dawać do jedzenia naszemu pupilowi, jeśli nie chcesz zaszkodzić jego zdrowiu.
Na liście znajdują się między innymi: czekolada, mleko, gotowane kości...

If you own a dog, you will already be well aware that you should never feed them chocolate.
But this isn't the only dangerous substance they could get their paws in - there are dozens of others that pose equal danger to their health. 
However, many of the pets are unnecessarily poisoned, which can have lethal side effects, due to the little knowledge surrounding such toxic foods. 
So before you feed your beloved dog leftovers from your dinner, Emma Hammett, the founder of First Aid for Pets, reveals other products to avoid in a piece for The Hippocratic Post
Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/health/article-4473972/The-12-things-NEVER-let-dog-eat.html#ixzz4gEHVyu3u 

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