niedziela, 19 marca 2017

Hungarians and Poles are two brothers

BBC zamieszcza  obszerny  artykuł  na temat przyjaźni polsko- węgierskiej pod tytułem " TWO COUNTRIES AS CLOSE AS BROTHERS".
“The two countries have always been friendly, there’s even an old proverb about it: ‘Lengyel, magyar két jó barát, együtt harcol s issza borát.’ In English, it means ‘Hungarians and Poles are two brothers, they fight together and they drink together’,” my father replied.
Although I had heard tales like this all my life, it still came as a surprise when I learned that the friendship between the people of Hungary and Poland is no small matter. In fact, it’s so remarkable that it is celebrated with an official holiday.
In 2007, the respective parliaments of both countries declared 23 March as ‘The Day of Polish-Hungarian Friendship’ by unanimous decree.

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