sobota, 22 października 2016

Wax on apples.

Piękne, błyszczące jabłka kupowane w sklepach zawdzięczają swój blask warstwie wosku, która chroni je przed zepsuciem. Co robić aby się go pozbyć? Wyczerpująco na ten temat pisze The SUN.

Shop bought apples are covered in wax to keep them shiny during their long journey from the apple orchard to the supermarket.
It may be seriously off-putting to some people, but the wax used to cover the apples is completely natural and often made from beetle mucus which the creatures use to cover and protect its eggs.
Although it’s completely safe to eat, it is easy to scrub off if you don’t want to consume it
This video from Little Things: DIY shows just how much wax is really on the delicious fruit:

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