sobota, 9 lipca 2016

Who will pick British strawberries?

Po decyzji o opuszczeniu Unii Europejskiej nadeszła dla Brytyjczyków chwila refleksji.  Któż teraz będzie zrywał nasze truskawki??? I to jest bardzo DOBRE PYTANIE. 

Reporter BBC rozmawiał na ten temat z osobami, które obecnie wykonują tę ciężką prace.

So far, unemployed people in the UK have proven reluctant to take on these jobs.
"The English don't like to work like us," says Roxana. "They will never come to work on a farm.
"If they come, they want to be someone high [up], to be a supervisor or a manager, but not to pick."
Forklift truck team leader Andis Ivkins agrees. "I don't believe they'll send us home," he says. "I don't believe the English people will come and pick fruit." 
Zastąpienie ludzi maszynami nie wchodzi w grę, bo: Robots are not very good at actually picking fruit, he says.
"If there's a leaf in the way, the robots can't see it. They go past, whereas we, as humans, have the intelligence to move the leaf."
No to będzie problem....
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Obecnym i przyszłym zbieraczom truskawek dedykuję piosenkę.

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