wtorek, 1 marca 2016

Classroom in the rubble.

Wstrząsajace fotografie syryjskiej szkoły. W takich warunkach uczą si e dzieci w Aleppo.
  • Extraordinary images show children trying to study in school devastated by barrel bombs that killed 12 people
  • The four to ten-year-olds risk their lives every day to go to lessons in a bid to maintain normality amid chaos
  • Rebel-held Aleppo has 150 makeshift schools and thousands of children are given basic lessons every day
  • Airstrikes over Aleppo City have stopped since the ceasefire on Saturday morning, but clashes continue
  • These children narrowly escaped death when the building next door was hit by a barrel bomb in May last year
  • Now they study in makeshift rooms and teacher says: 'We can hear heavy machine gun clashes in the distance'
  • Raja, age 10, says: 'We wish for you to help us plant trees, flowers, in our streets instead of rubble and destruction'
  • Aleppo has been encircled by Syrian Government forces since the beginning of February cutting off supply line

  • Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-3469844/Classroom-rubble-Schoolchildren-young-four-risk-lives-learn-bombed-shell-Aleppo.html#ixzz41egGpddr 

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