poniedziałek, 28 grudnia 2015


Temat w sam raz na okres poswiąteczny, kiedy mamy wyrzuty sumienia z powodu obżarstwa. Na liście znajdziecie między innymi grzyby, seler naciowy, paprykę  i inne.
Anyone who has ever been on a diet knows that the basic formula for weight loss is simple: to burn more calories than you eat. According to Dr. Donald Hensrud from the Mayo Clinic online, it is “theoretically possible” for some foods to be called “negative calorie” because there are, indeed, certain foods with a caloric content low enough to be fully burned during exercise. So the next time you feel hungry at night and you crave for that chocolate vanilla ice-cream in the refrigerator, stay away from your craving and eat one of these negative calories snacks or foods. They are extremely healthy and they will be your best friend for your weight loss. Here are six foods with very low calories that can help you kickstart a healthier lifestyle. As we always advise, before entering any diet or exercise program, you should consult your primary health care provider.
Read more: http://everydaynutritionist.com/6-negative-calorie-foods-to-help-you-lose-weight/

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