wtorek, 16 czerwca 2015

Can you speak CAT?

Dr Gary Weitzman, weterynarz  z Kaliforni, autor książki HOW TO SPEAK CAT? analizuje mowę ciała kotów. Ciekawy artykuł na ten temat zamieszcza Daily Mail.
Czy koty są z nami tylko dlatego, że je karmimy?
Is all that purring, licking and being available for stroking just an elaborate — and effective — ruse for getting food and a warm place to sleep? Are human beings being conned? Are cats secretly laughing at us?
Animal behaviour expert and Californian vet Dr Gary Weitzman thinks not. He is the author of a new book from National Geographic, How To Speak Cat, and argues that cats are far more loving and dependent on human affection than many of us realise.
And, crucially, he says we can improve our relationships with our cats by learning more about their ‘language’ — the ways in which they communicate with us.
Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/sciencetech/article-3125574/Can-speak-CAT-decode-moggie-s-body-language.html#ixzz3dC8bG0wk

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