A tak przy okazji:
LUXURY- luksus, przepych, zbytek,luksusowy ( samochód, dom, hotel)/ great comfort and pleasure, something expensive you want but you do not need
LUXURIOUS - luksusowy, zbytkowny, zmysłowy /very comfortable, beautiful or expensive
LUXURIANT - bujny, wybujały, płodny, bogaty, kwiecisty (o stylu) / growing thickly and strongly e.g. luxuriant hair
czyli obie formy luxury hotel i luxurious hotel są poprawne
From a New York icon to an Alpine marvel: The best luxury hotels in the world revealed
- Travel writers and industry experts have chosen their annual winners in a prestigious hotel awards list
- Mandarin Oriental, Bangkok, commended for 'enduring excellence' and The Ritz Paris for its 'gold standard'
- Beautifully located Zimbabwe's Matetsi River Lodge and Soneva Jani in the Maldives both won awards
Myślałam, że gdzieś bliżej będzie :) żeby chociaż popatrzeć z zewnątrz :D